Voyage in Destiny: Part Four - The Return to True Knowledge


Every one of us has a destiny.

Writing this book is part of my destiny that places knowledge among the priorities of my work.

This text is dedicated to what the Masters of Light of high level have been transmitting to me for around three years.

Its main feature is to make man understand that we are at a moment in our history in which we need to return to "true knowledge," or more so, to a way of seeing and interpreting the reality of creation which does not start solely from man's point of view, but from a wider vision which comes from the spirit world.

This book talks about a "re-opening" to a different way of knowing and begins to retrieve some aspects of this "true knowledge."

Among them, certain tools of knowledge shall be rediscovered such as "the voyages" of the mind in a non-rational setting or intuition or the recognition and interpretation of signs which a wider reality continually shows us.

The main features of human knowledge will be analyzed, its limits, its openings and the urgings it is subjected to in order to continuously exceed itself (miracles, the sense of mystery). It attains the understanding of what should be "true knowledge," the use of the symbol and the possibility of fitting into a time which is beyond the linear time we are so used to.

Some aspects of this knowledge such as "the mental and energetic dynamics of thought," a new concept of "truth," a new concept of the relationship between "good and evil," love, death, union and path, will be introduced.

This book should entice us to intuit the existence of a much vaster Creation than the one we are used to and to lay the basis for a more correct interpretation of it.

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